

Insolvency, & Restructuring

Bilodeau Capalbo, LLC enjoys a solid reputation in State Court receivership proceedings, whether representing receivers, debtors, creditors, or investors. We pride ourselves in fashioning innovative, yet practical, solutions to troubled credits and businesses, before and after filing bankruptcy.

Full Spectrum of Insolvency & Restructuring Legal Services

Bilodeau Capalbo, LLC’s receivership practice is distinguished by its broad-based experience in receivership and insolvency law. Our receivership attorneys are well known to the courts, counsel and experts in this tightly woven legal community. Whether a deal is in the process of being put together or is in danger of falling apart, our insolvency team is ready at a moment's notice.

Businesses, investors and lenders rely on our unmatched expertise for practical results and solutions to receivership and insolvency problems. Bilodeau Capalbo, LLC’s clients include financially troubled businesses, secured and unsecured creditors, financial institutions, special servicers, lessors and lessees on a variety of pre-receivership workouts and complex reorganizations and liquidations. We regularly handle out-of-court debt and equity restructuring, complex workouts, assignments for the benefit of creditors, receiverships, and foreclosures representing creditors, assignees, receivers, and investors.

Bilodeau Capalbo, LLC’s Rhode Island receivership lawyers are equally at home in Federal and state courts, arbitrations, and mediations.

Pre-Petition Planning

We place a special emphasis on pre-receivership planning and strategy. Our receivership lawyers apply a wealth of experience in credit matters to help businesses and lenders reach agreements to avoid costly and often unnecessary litigation, foreclosure or bankruptcy.

Out-of-Court Workouts: Restructuring Real Estate Loans, Commercial Loans, & Investments

Often, borrowers, guarantors and creditors are best served by reaching out-of-court agreements. We know how to negotiate from strength to reach deals that make sense and avoid litigation. We have negotiated and prepared countless Restructured Credit Agreements and Forbearance Agreements.

It takes special skills to match a troubled borrower’s limited ability to make payments with a lender’s need to restructure a credit that will pass muster with bank regulators and loan administrations. Care must be taken to minimize the impact of a possible receivership case and to maximize the benefits that can be achieved in a receivership proceeding. We have worked with Chief Credit Officers and Special Assets Departments from most major banks and are proud to count numerous independent banks, community banks, and private lenders as our valued clients.
Restructuring Distressed Real Estate Loans

Bilodeau Capalbo, LLC has a long history of successful results for clients faced with distressed real estate loans. We know how to move quickly to preserve assets and create a winning strategy and resolve problems, whether by negotiation, forbearance, litigation, receivership, bankruptcy or foreclosure.

Buying & Selling Assets in Receiverships

We help clients to structure sales to maximize value. We have sold real estate and personal property in receiver’s sales, UCC sales, foreclosure sales and auction sales. Choosing the right sale procedure often makes the difference between paying off a loan in full and leaving money on the table. Choosing counsel who understand how sales are conducted in Receiverships is essential to a successful acquisition.

Relief from Automatic Stay

Stay relief may make or break a bankruptcy case for debtors and creditors alike. We have fought and won tough battles for clients in this fast-paced arena. Whether the stay relief battle is a major trial, with expert witnesses and hundreds of exhibits, or a simple process that needs to be professionally managed and completed, the Rhode Island bankruptcy lawyers at Bilodeau Capalbo, LLC have the knowledge and experience to get the job done for our clients.

If you would like a free consultation to discuss your post-judgment needs, call us today at 401-300-4055.

Client Reviews
I have been dealing with child support issues for 15 years, back and fourth to court and I've been through 3 lawyers!! Then I found Bilodeau Capalbo, LLC. I revived all my back child support within a month!!!!! I have never dealt with a more caring and efficient law firm !!! I highly recommend them for any law issues!!! Rebecca Monti
I contacted Attorney Capalbo with a straight-forward but contested matter. From the consult to the very end, Ms. Capalbo was organized, caring and prepared. She was only focused on what was best for her client. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for reliable and professional representation. Ms. Capalbo's ethics are rare and appreciated, especially in this region. Anonymous
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